Posts Tagged 'baggy'


As my past posts have been talking about, my hair is very damaged. It has extreme breakage (up to the point where just touching it will make some if it break), and is dry I’d say 85% of the time. No matter what I did, it would always be dry by midday.

I decided I needed to revamp my whole journey while I’m home on break and actually have the time to give it the care it needs compared to when I was completely slacking at college.

Anywho, I’ve been pre-pooing and deep conditioning with every wash and co-wash. There hasn’t been much change. I did a strand test, and I know my hair is low on moisture. I was at a loss as to how to remedy that, but a post on inspired me to try baggying again.

For those who are just starting out or have never heard of baggying, it is simply moisturizing your hair and covering it with a shower cap or plastic sandwich bag. You can baggy your whole head or just your ponytail. The baggy can be left on anywhere between a few hours to overnight. A combo of the moisturizer and the steam produced from your body heat allow deep moisturizing.

When I first started my journey I used to baggy my ponytail/bun after washes every now and then, but I stopped for some reason that escapes me at the moment. Now I’m going to try the baggy method for my whole head. Ally said she used Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in to moisturize, but that’s considered a light protein (I think), and I feel that my hair has enough protein at the moment. I decided to moisturize with elasta QP olive oil & mango butter moisturizer and sealed with a mix of castor oil and olive oil.

I’m always pretty heavy handed with my products since my hair is very thick, so this will be no different. I moisturized my hair in 4 sections and then just did a simple bun to protect my ends. I covered my head with a plastic shower cap and satin cap.

[Well when I woke up and my hair wasn’t wet, but it felt pretty moisturized. I’m going to keep it up until my wash day Sunday. The middle of my head wasn’t as moisturized as I would like, so I’m going to focus there. I think I’ll try using the Cantu leave-in and seal with Castor oil tonight to see what the difference is. I also don’t think my head was warm enough (we turn the heat down in my house at night), so I’m going to wear a winter cap on top of the plastic cap and satin cap tonight. I also won’t tie my cap as tight, it kind of irritated my head and made sleeping a little uncomfortable. I’m excited to see how it turns out tonight, though.

♥ Gemma

Hair Updates

Wearing my hair: buns

Last Relaxer: October 26, 2012

Next Relaxer: February 2012

Last Trim: June 17, 2012

Length Goal: Full Armpit length

Last purchase: Organix Nourishing Coconut Milk Shampoo, Dove Damage Therapy Cool Moisture Conditioner

Wishlist: Flexirod Set, Hairveda Whipped Creme Ends Hydration Leave-In & Moisturizer, Luscious Balanced Cream Moisturizer C.C., more miscellaneous oils, more DC

Loving: Dabur Vatika Coconut Oil Experimenting with: Sulfate-free Shampoo, using conditioner as a moisturizer


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